Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Pesach 2010

As my friend Rachel so elequently put it, "I survived Pesach 2010" and it should be made into a t-shirt.

In the same frame of mind, I think Survivor should have a Pesach series.
a 10 day survivor contest, where contestants have to do the following:
1. clean a house for pesach while children sprinkle cookie crumbs in the same place you just cleaned.
2. try to find kitniot free foods in Israel (especially vegetable oil, ketchup, and mayonaise).
3. experience most of the 10 plagues (especially the lice)
4. cook a seder meal whilst your oven breaks
5. entertain seder guests and keep everyone sober enough to make it home w/o a WWI (walking while intoxicated).
6. greating your own horseraddish (w/o a gas mask or goggles).
7. planning and executing hol hamoed entertainment for the family
8. changing the kitchen back to hametz before the pizza delivery guy shows up at the door.
9.Remembering to count omer
10. Exodus from Egypt....
anything else that can be thrown in...

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