Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Purim Grinch

There have been many things I love about Israel, but Purim pushes my patience (nice alliteration!) Anyway, Purim in America if you are lucky is a 1-2 day holiday max. One day for a purim carnival at Hebrew school and one day on Purim itself -sometimes the same day if Purim is on a Sunday. Here in Israel, Purim is truly a holiday that takes over. Kids start dressing up way before the holiday comes in. Parties, parades and performances abound. Packages for the poor, soilders, Sderot, are made. Now don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't want to support all of these things, it's just too much. I am sure that working parents can understand my point. I mean there has to be a limit. And if all these things are going on, when are the kids learning.... I mean isnt't that why we send them to school, to learn?

It is now a week before Purim. All of my kids are in different schools and each school has a different schedule and different theme for the day. This means I need to prepare different costumes and buy different accessories to fufill these requirements. It gets to be expensive and this doesnt even include the costume that is worn on Purim which has to be different form those worn all week.

Their schedule looks like this:


  • Aliza - funny Hat, glasses, and Tie

  • Rafi - nothing

  • Talia - Indian


  • Aliza - sports day

  • Rafi - nothing

  • Talia 70's


  • Talia - pajama day

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