Monday, November 9, 2015

If Johnny Can't Read, How Do You Write a User Manual for Him?

Can people read your docs?
The first task any accomplished technical writer has to do is write for your audience. It may sound simple. When I thought about people living all over the world one thing became clear to me: can they read our documentation?

Readability is something that has been studied for years and I will give a brief summary as to what research has shown.

Studies prove that people respond to information that they can easily understand. Of course the question is: Are we writing content that the average person can easily read and understand? Do we  even know? If people are not connecting with our content, one of the reasons could be is that we are writing “over their heads” and trust me when I tell you that this happens more often than you think. In an effort to sound superior, intelligent, or as an “expert” in our fields – many  will “overwrite” content, or use "big words" in order to consolidate the screen real estate of the printed material.
A simple way to check your document to see if it is "easy to read" is to use a readability test. Many different tests have been created. The three most popular are:

Summary of the Popular Readability Tests

Flesch Reading Ease test

Rudolph Flesch, author of Why Johnny Can't Read: And What You Can Do about It  created the Flesch Reading Ease Test as a way to further advance his feeling that American teachers needed to return to teaching phonics as opposed to sight reading (whole word literacy). His work and advocacy for reading and phonics were the inspiration for Dr Seuss to write The Cat in the Hat. The Flesch Reading Ease test was This test tells you how easy it is to read the text. The algorithm is as follows:

 206.835 - 1.015 \left( \frac{\text{total words}}{\text{total sentences}} \right) - 84.6 \left( \frac{\text{total syllables}}{\text{total words}} \right).
The resulting score is interpreted as follows:
Easily understood by an average 11-year-old student
Easily understood by 13- to 15-year-old students
Best understood by university graduates and

What does this mean?
  • The lower the score, the harder the text is to read
  • 65 is the "Plain English" rating

How does this score measure up to well-known publications?
  • Reader's Digest - 65
  • Time Magazine - 52
  • Havard Law Review >40

Flesch-Kincaid grade level test

The Flesch-Kincaid reading test was the result of a collaboration between Rudolph Flesch (mentioned above) and J. Peter Kincaid. J. Peter Kincaid was an educator and scientist who spent his time working in academia or researching with the US Navy. J. Peter Kincaid developed his version of the readability test while under contract for US Navy in an effort to estimate the difficulty of technical manuals. The Flecsh-Kincaid grade level test translates the test to a US grade level which makes it easy for people to judge if the material is readable by others. The algorithm is as follows:

 0.39 \left ( \frac{\mbox{total words}}{\mbox{total sentences}} \right ) + 11.8 \left ( \frac{\mbox{total syllables}}{\mbox{total words}} \right ) - 15.59

The result corresponds to a US grade level.  So once you have calculated the score you know immediately who can understand your writing. For example, President Obama's state of the union address has a grade level of 8.5, however the Affordable Care act has a readability level of 13.4 (university or higher). Here is the readability of some popular books, the results may surprise you:
  • Goodnight Moon - Margaret Wise Brown - 2.8
  • The Old Man and the Sea - Ernest Hemingway  - 4.1
  • Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - JK Rowling - 7.8
  • Good to Great - Jim Collins - 10.4

Gunning Fog Index

The Gunning fog index was created in 1952. The algorithm is as follows:
 0.4\left[ \left(\frac{\mbox{words}}{\mbox{sentences}}\right) + 100\left(\frac{\mbox{complex words}}{\mbox{words}}\right) \right]
This index is not perfect as some words such as university are complex, but easy to understand, while short words such as boon may not be. Given that, the results can be interpreted as follows:
  • A fog score of >12 is best for HS graduates
  • Between 8-12 is ideal, closer to 8 is better
  • <8 is near universal understanding

Why should I care about the readability of my writing?

To be honest, if it is too hard to read, then no one will want to read it. The sad truth is that approximately 50% of Americans read at an 8th grade level and sadly about 25% at the fifth grade level or lower. The higher the grade level, the less that can read it. If you have to struggle to read something, your experience with the content is a negative one. This negative experience will make you less likely to recommend the content to someone else. Think about it, have you ever recommended to someone to a book you did not enjoy? The same can be said about documentation. If readers struggle to read it they will not tell others about it.  

How do I calculate the readability of my writing?

There are several ways to calculate readability.  The easiest way to calculate it is within your word processor or editing tool. Since Publican version 4.0.0 and, you can run the following command in Publican: $ publican report --quiet, which will generate a reliability report.
If you are using vim as your text editor, plug-ins are available, thanks to Peter Ondrejka. They can be downloaded and installed from Git A similar plug-in for gedit is available at as well.  If you just want to check without using a plugin you can always paste the text in Feel free to check these out and let me know which works best!

The final word

Keep it simple sweetheart! The easier it is to understand and the better it is written the more people will enjoy your writing. What’s the point in writing something that no one reads? As Rudolph Flesch would say if Johnny can’t read it, why write it? And for those of you who are curious, this article has a readability of:
  • Flesch - 68.5
  • Flesch-Kincaid - 6.9
  • Gunning Fog - 9.3
Once you know the readability of your writing, you can try to simplify it. I will give some ideas on how to do that in my next post. Stay tuned!


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